Folk Remedies for Improving Your Life Using Only Micro-budget Short Film on menopause.
Hi All,
We completed a micro-budget drama/thriller short film called ‘Knock of Janus’ which was launched and premiered successfully!
Both Film and the Trailer are on the website to watch for free: .
We would love to hear your thoughts on it. The film took about one year to finish. It was a passionate project and I was inspired by Dr Christiane Northrup’s book on Women’s Bodies Women’s Wisdom, as well as women’s experiences, please share the film with others who are experiencing life changes and transitions. It’s also for the men who want to understand women on men-o-pause! Starting production on a new feature, an experimental film on Attitude, where is happiness? We are searching for collaborators! let me know what you thought about the menopause song too. Looking forward to hearing from you.
DarlyVision Productions
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